Wand Archery

Wand archery is the practice of shooting at a wand stuck in the ground.  Since the same number of points are normally awarded for hitting the wand anywhere along its length, this offers a lot of freedom in elevation, but forces the archer to be very precise in windage.

In the example of the photograph, it was decided to vary the rules a little.  We were given 6 points if we struck the wand along the length that is within the wreath; 4 points if we struck the wand anywhere else, and two points if we put the arrows within the wreath but not touching the wand.  We all agreed that this was very generous of the event organizers.

There were other competitions, including a clout shoot from 100 meters, a timed Rat shoot, a roving hunt, a shooting gallery style rabbit hunt and the infamous steel pig.  More photographs will be availabe soon.

You can find pictures at this post.